Advanced broadcast solutions: live reporting from the Indian Ocean’s unchartered territories

Posted 7 months ago ~8 min read
Award winningBroadcast servicesBroadcast technologyBroadcast transmissionContent distributionLive event production
Woman and man reporting live inside submersible under water in indian ocean

~8 min read

Learn how AP 360 provided broadcast facilities for even the most difficult, distant locations.

AP 360 exclusively provided live reporting facilities and key broadcasting solutions from a scientific expedition diving into the depths of the remote waters of the Seychelles.

Television audiences were given a glimpse into a hidden world in March-April 2019 when AP 360 provided broadcast facilities from a landmark deep-sea research mission in the Indian Ocean.

AP 360 pushed the boundaries of live event production by harnessing technology which permitted two-way interviews with scientists in submersibles deep beneath the ocean.

The achievement was part of a milestone project undertaken by The Associated Press (AP), which secured exclusive news agency access to cover the work of the U.K.-led Nekton scientific research team.

During a seven-week voyage in the waters of the Seychelles, the science team participated in a UNESCO-endorsed, deep-sea research mission to unlock the secrets of a vast stretch of unexplored sea.

Man wearing blue shirt and blue hard hat holding microphone standing in front of yellow submersible conducting live reporting using broadcast facilities on deck of ship in indian ocean

Our award-winning feat meant we were able to provide global impact through innovative reporting, which demonstrates the role of live broadcasts in environmental advocacy.

In summary, the following services were provided:

  • Live two-way interviews with scientists in submersibles deep beneath the ocean.
  • Back-to-back live two-way broadcast interviews at sea with the Seychelles president.
  • Live on-air correspondence by an AP reporter from the expedition’s mothership.
  • Full production at sea of an 18-minute show streamed live on multiple digital platforms.

The outcomes satisfied a number of  international broadcasters and helped to relay our role in raising awareness on critical global issues like ocean protection.

Illuminating the depths: optimal technology for underwater reporting

AP 360 committed to providing news outlets with live interview opportunities from the remote Indian Ocean. We had to overcome the challenge of transmitting live from a non-tethered submersible deep under the sea with talkback and minimal latency.

Using state-of-the-art optical technology, footage was transmitted through the waves using LED light. The signal was then sent from the vessel at the ocean’s surface by satellite to AP’s broadcast hub in London and then onwards to customers.

The submersibles and the scientists on board were able to avoid being tied down to fibre optic cables by transmitting live video from more than 120 metres (400 feet) below the surface using the blue light region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The groundbreaking solution allowed us to offer live two-way interviews with scientists in the submersibles to broadcasters for inclusion in their scheduled news programmes, such as ABC’s Good Morning America show.

The work typifies innovative broadcast solutions which sets AP 360 apart.

AP 360 strives to align the best technology and custom fit that is suitable for the job. For any event, our broadcast services offer tailored solutions and reliable, high-speed, quality transmission for impactful content delivery.

On the frontline of oceanic exploration: key reporters and exclusive live interviews marking historic address

AP 360 also provided an on-air reporter for live correspondence from the deck of the Ocean Zephyr, the expedition’s mothership.

Reporting work included hosting an 18-minute live show, fully produced on board the vessel, which was streamed live by China Global Television Network (CGTN) to five digital platforms simultaneously. The custom show included a live Q and A with a scientist in a submersible below the surface, interviews on deck with members of the research team and narrated video-taped inserts.

“At CGTN, we are constantly exploring new ways to bring our audiences closer to the latest stories. And working with the AP has allowed us to do exactly that. Reporting live from beneath the waves has enabled CGTN to offer a unique insight into the importance of ocean protection, a common concern that transcends borders.”

China Global Television Network.

Seychelles President Danny Faure visited the scientific mission off the remote island of Desroches on April 14, 2019. Faure descended beneath the waves in a submersible to deliver a landmark plea to world leaders to act to protect the oceans – an event carried live and exclusively by the AP.

Following his address, Faure delivered live interviews from the deck of the ship, which AP 360 facilitated on behalf of international broadcasters, including France 24.

“In rising to the immense technical challenges of facilitating live two-ways from the remote Indian Ocean and from the depths beneath, AP was able to exclusively provide a unique broadcast service to some of the world’s biggest news organizations. AP 360 has once again proved that it delivers the highest standards in live international news broadcasting from events and locations unmatched by other vendors in the facilities marketplace.”

Toby Goode,
Business Development Manager, EMEA.
Woman wearing white sitting at desk in television broadcast facilities studio looking at screen on wall with image of seychelles president danny faure reporting live from indian ocean

An award-winning achievement

The ground-breaking use of technology which underpinned AP 360’s work on behalf of international TV networks garnered the AP several leading industry awards.

In Sept. 2019, the International Broadcasting Convention bestowed the IBC Innovation Award for Content Distribution upon the project, recognizing its technical accomplishment.

The achievement also won the coveted Royal Television Society’s Television Journalism Award for News Technology in Feb. 2020.

And the AP acknowledged the professional excellence of the members of the Indian Ocean Mission team by conferring upon them the 2019 Oliver S. Gramling Achievement Award.

For this particular assignment, by skillfully combining journalistic knowledge with state-of-the-art technology, highly-skilled resources and creativity, AP 360 had risen to the challenge. We make sure every production is made to the highest levels of quality with our global studio facilities and comprehensive broadcasting capabilities.

To find out more about our broadcast services for your next live event, get in touch with our team who can also provide advisory and consulting services.

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